genericROM library

The open-source library ‘genericROM’ is developed at Safran. The code is hosted on Gitlab.

The library uses the datamodel developed in the Mordicus code by the FUI MOR_DICUS consortium, as well as the Muscat library, developed at Safran.

It consists of reduced order modeling modules with the following features:

  • physics: the reduced model solves the same equations physics as the reference high-fidelity model (physical reduced order modeling: physical ROM).

  • genericity: the method is not dedicated to a particular physical model. At the moment, nonlinear mechanical and nonlinear transient thermal problems are handled.

  • nonintrusivity: the library can reduce snapshots computed by commercial software, and do not require to modify internal assembly routine of the reference high-fidelity code

  • scalability: parallel computed with distributed memory can be used to handle large problems

The genericROM library has been used in some publications, see Publications.
